What does the butterfly valve contain ? The Butterfly valve consists of / main parts : 1- Body 2- Disc 3- Seat 4- Shaft 5- Packing parts : shaft and bushings
JulyButterfly valves operating
How butterfly valves are operated .....? The butterfly valve is opened and closed in several ways, depending on the torque required to open and close it . 1- Manually hand lever or hand wheel . 2- Gearbox 3- Pneumatic actuator ( Double acting, single acting ). 4- Electtric positioner…
AugMulti Turn Actuators
علي حسب تقسيم المحابس نقدر برضو نقسم مشغلات المحابس إلي 3 أنواع المحابس اللي بتفتح Quarter turn زي الكرة والفراشة بنستخدم لها مشغلات rotary quarter turn والمحابس اللي بتشتغل بشكل linear او ال Rising Stem Valves زي ال Globe valve وال Gate Valve بنستخدم لها مشغلات Multi turn انما المحابس…